Bodyweights and growth rates of spring- and autumn-born Thoroughbred horses raised on pasture

Authors: Firth EC, Brown-Douglas CG, Parkinson TJ, Fennessy PF
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 53, Issue 5, pp 326-331, Oct 2005
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse, Livestock
Subject Terms: Bodyweight/liveweight/condition score, Diet/rations/food, Environment, Growth/development, Nutrition/metabolism, Parturition, Pasture/crop, Pregnancy, Reproduction, Reproduction - female, Seasonality/photoperiod
Article class: Scientific Article
Abstract: AIM: To examine the growth of spring- and autumn-born Thoroughbred foals raised on pasture.
METHODS: Bodyweight and growth rates were measured in pasture-raised Thoroughbred horses, born in either spring (n=56) or autumn (n=7), from birth to approximately 13 and 17 months of age.
RESULTS: Birthweight tended to be lower in autumn- than spring-born foals (54.4, SD 7.92 kg vs 57.3, SD 5.90 kg; p=0.08). Between birth and 6 months of age, there was no difference in growth rate at equivalent ages between horses born in spring and autumn. Spring-born horses, which were weaned in the autumn, had lower post-weaning growth rates than autumn-born horses that were weaned in the spring. At time of the late yearling sales (March–April) in the Southern Hemisphere, unadjusted mean bodyweights of autumn-born horses (379.3, SD 24.8 kg) were lower (p=0.017) than those of the spring-born horses (437.2, SD 35.3 kg), although values in the autumn-born horses were all within two standard deviations (SD) of the mean of the spring-born animals. When adjusted for the covariates of birthweight and gender, the difference between spring- and autumn-born horses at that time was not significant  (p=0.25).
CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Some autumn-born foals could be marketed for late yearling sales in the Southern Hemisphere, on the basis of bodyweight. Furthermore, they might also be competitive in the Northern Hemisphere industry (sales or racing), as they would be competing against horses of the same official age.
KEY WORDS: Thoroughbred, horse, bodyweight, growth rate, outof-season foaling
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