Use of rotational periosteal flaps in primary repair of sinofacial fractures in seven horses

Authors: Kelmer G, Gustafsson K, Tatz AJ, Dahan R
Publication: New Zealand Veterinary Journal, Volume 68, Issue 2, pp 119-125, Mar 2020
Publisher: Taylor and Francis

Animal type: Horse
Article class: Clinical Communication

Case history: Medical records were reviewed of horses (n = 7) undergoing surgery for fracture of one or more facial bones extending into the paranasal sinuses that was repaired primarily within 24 hours of the time of injury using a rotational periosteal flap, between April 2009 and May 2017. A kick from another horse was the cause of the injury of three horses, and one horse was injured when it collided with a tree. The cause of the injury of three horses was unknown.

Clinical findings and treatment: Fractures were of the right maxillary bone in two horses, the left maxillary bone in two horses, the left frontal and left nasal bones in two horses, and the right frontal bones in one horse. The fracture of all but one horse was accompanied by an open wound. The fracture of all seven horses was reduced, stabilised, and covered with a rotational, periosteal flap. Surgery was carried out while standing in six horses, and while anesthetised in one horse. All horses had a deficit in the fractured facial bones after the fracture was reduced. Four horses had complications following surgery, but all horses were reported to have excellent cosmetic outcomes and had retuned to their previous level of activity, as reported by their owners.

Clinical relevance: Covering a primarily repaired sinofacial fracture of a horse with a rotational periosteal flap resulted in good cosmetic outcomes, and may be especially beneficial if the fracture is accompanied by loss of bone.

Keywords: Equine, sinus, fracture repair, periosteal flap

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